الأربعاء، 16 فبراير 2011

مواقع: اضطرابات النطق عصبية المنشأ ... الإعاقة السمعية والتأهيل السمعي ... اضطرابات الطلاقة ...

اضطرابات النطق ذات المنشأ العصبي" عصبية المنشأ ":

 الإعاقة السمعية والتأهيل السمعي :

  • Wise Ears - a national campaign to prevent noise-induced hearing loss from NIDCD (www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/wise/index.asp)
  • Speech and Auditory Training Activities (www.deafed.net/PublishedDocs/sub/980122w.htm).
  • The Art of Cueing - several video clips which demonstrate how to cue example words and phrases (web7.mit.edu/CS/Art/).
  • Fingerspelling (web.archive.org/web/20041130085404/http://where.com/scott.net/asl/)
  • Funbrain (www.funbrain.com) - sign the alphabet
  • ASL Browser (commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm)
  • The Captioned Media Program (CMP) - a free-loan, open-captioned media collection of over 4,000 titles (videos, including some that are streamed and available online, CD-ROM, and DVD) available to hearing impaired, their parents, or those who work with them) are video streamed lessons in ASL and speech reading. (www.cfv.org)
  • Speech Reading In Context: A Guide for Practice in Everyday Settings (clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/products/Sharing-Ideas/speech/index.html) from Gallaudet University Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, contains lesson plans and activities.
  • Scott Bradley's hearing loss simulator (http://facstaff.uww.edu/bradleys/radio/hlsimulation/)
  اضطرابات الطلاقة ( الـتأتأة و سرعة الكلام ...)

The following section is designed to provide materials, readings, and approaches to assessment and therapy for speech-language pathologists who work with people who stutter. It is not to be considered a "recipe book" to stuttering therapy, but contains resources which may be adaptable to specific clients. It is more extensive than other therapy sections because I have been building this information personally for more than ten years. Previously it was part of the Stuttering Home Page (www.stutteringhomepage.com), but it was too difficult to continue to maintain the information in two different places so it has been integrated here. If others have materials they would like to share, please contact Judy Kuster

أدوات مساندة لعلاج التأتأة عند الأطفال:

Dealing with feelings about stuttering

Gallery of Childrens' Art (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/ISAD3/papers/gallery/albumindex.html) about stuttering. When words aren't enough, it has been suggested that children draw pictures to express themselves. This "gallery" contains over 50 pictures of stuttering drawn by children and teens. Other pictures are welcome.
Making My Own Way: Empowering Children Who Stutter - by Jackie Biagini and Judy Butler, (http://www.mnsu.edu/dept/comdis/kuster/TherapyWWW/butler.pdf) is a workbook "designed to foster trust, self-confidence, and interpersonal communication skills with set goals and a plan to achieve them." . Use of this manual is explained in an article by Butler and Biagini, Journal Writing for Children Who Stutter (http://www.mnsu.edu/dept/comdis/ISAD3/papers/butler.html)
  • Bill Murphy, "Empowering Children Who Stutter: Reducing Shame, Guilt and Anxiety (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/TherapyWWW/murphy.html) This material was originally presented as a session at the ASHA convention, Seattle, WA, 1996.
    • Children And Teens Who Stutter Connect With Others Who Stutter .
      The Stuttering Home Page provides opportunities for children to become "key pals" with others who stutter. Names of children are added to the keypals page with parental permission. Key Pals/Pen Pals for children (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/kids/kids.html#key).
      Erin Dyer Olson and Phyliss Ziegler Speech and Language Kids 'Tell It Like It Is' - a project that describes how they created an email friendship between two 10-year-old children who stutter. (http://www.belleville.k12.wi.us/tlcf/Projects/4th_5th_speech/4thspeech.html)
      There are at least two online discussion forums designed specifically for teens who stutter. They may or may not be very active.
      NSA-Teens is a "virtual chapter" for teens in the National Stuttering Association. It consists of both email broadcasts and text chat. It is restricted to members of the National Stuttering Association. Contact Russ Hicks at russhicks@mail.com for further information.
      WORDFREE@LISTSERV.TEMPLE.EDU is a small and inactive mailing list designed for people under the age of 20. Members can read what others talk about or join in any discussion. It is functional and has potential to serve teens who stutter. To join, email the following message to listserv@listserv.temple.edu subscribe wordfree yourfirstname yourlastname.
      The Real World of Jobs (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/kids/teens.html#jobs)
      • ISAD Online Conferences may be a place for clients to ask questions (from October 1-22). The conferences are linked to the Stuttering Home Page. (www.stutteringhomepage.com). The ISAD3 Online Conference (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/ISAD3/isadcon3.html) focused on children who stutter. It is freely accessible to anyone and has papers for clinicians, parents, teachers, and even for children who stutter.
    • Enhancing self esteem

Tom Kehoe's Science Fair Projects for students who stutter (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/kids/scienceexperiments.html)
Helping Children Who Stutter Become Their Own Advocates (www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/therapypics/pictures.html)- reproducible pictures that can be used to assist children in explaining stuttering to their parents, teachers, and classmates
Class visits for children who stutter (www.unl.edu/fluency/class.shtml) by Bill Murphy
Sample Projects by Kids Who Stutter

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