The Process of Articulation Therapy:
For those of you that have read some of my previous posts on how to
teach specific sounds you may have noticed a pattern. That’s because
when teaching kids how to say sounds there IS a general pattern I follow
even though each specific sound changes. I wanted to outline this for
you because if you understand this pattern, it will make teaching the
sounds so much easier!
Before I get into the details of this process, please understand that
there are many other factors that affect speech intelligibility such as
hearing loss, apraxia, oral motor deficits, sensory issues, and
phonological processes to name a few, but I will not be addressing any
of these here. This post is intended to simply explain the basic
structure of articulation therapy and how you can work with your child
on their sounds.
So, let’s get started! The very first thing I want to know as a
Speech Language Pathologist is what sounds does the child have
difficulty with. As a parent you could probably list them without a
problem. If you do need some help you may want to see a speech
pathologist and they can help you identify them. They can do an
articulation assessment that will tell you exactly what sounds your
child is struggling with, what position of the word (begining, middle or
ending) they are struggling with it in, and what sound if any they are
substituting it with. They can also tell how your child compares to
other children their age. So, after I have outlined the problem sounds I
like to check for stimulability.
What is stimulability? A child is “stimulable” if he or she
can say the sound in direct imitation of the therapist or parent. If the
child is stimulable or can say the sound then you have cause to
celebrate. That means your job is going to be so much easier! If the
child cannot say the sound, you’ll have some work to do. You’ll need to
teach them how to say the sound. This is called sound elicitation.
Sound Elicitation
Sound elicitation is the process you go through to teach the child
how to say the targeted sound. For example, if a child cannot say the
/th/ sound in imitation you break down the process for them. You might
say, “Put your tongue between your teeth then blow.” After the sound is
learned, meaning they can say it accurately in imitation of you then
practice the sound in isolation.

Sound in Isolation
Sound in Isolation
Practicing a sound in isolation means saying the sound all by itself
without adding a vowel. For example, if you are practicing the /t/ sound
you would practice saying /t/, /t/, /t/ multiple times in a row. The
more accurate repetitions you are able to get your child to produce the
better. I am satisfied with 10 accurate repetitions in a row. When you
are satisfied they can say the sound in isolation you are ready to move
on to syllables.

Sound in Syllables
Sound in Syllables
Practicing a sound in syllables simply means adding each vowel after
the target sound, before the target sound, and before and after the
target sound, being sure to practice the long and short form of each
For example if the target sound was /s/ “after the target sound”
would be “sa, se, si, so, and su.” This is called “initial syllable
production”, meaning the target sound is in the beginning of the
If the target sound was /p/ then placing the vowel “before the target
sound” would be “ap, ep, ip, op, and up. This is called “final syllable
production”, meaning the target sound is at the end of the syllable.
If the target sound is /k/ then placing the vowel “before and after
the target sound” would be, “ako, eki, ika, oku, and ukee. Of course
there are multiple variations. This is called “medial syllable
production”, meaning the target sound is in the middle of the syllable.
When I introduce the syllables I like to see in which position the
child has the easiest time producing the target sound. If the child is
the most successful with the target sound in the initial (beginning)
position of syllables I will begin work on the target sound in initial
position of words. If the child has more success with the target sound
in the final position of syllables then I would begin working on the
target sound in the final position of words.
So the plan here is to work on the position they are having the most
success with but not a position that is currently not a problem for
them. For example, a child may exhibit a typical error pattern, or
phonological process of final consonant deletion. This means they leave
off the ending of most of their words. While the child can say the /m/
sound in the initial position of words with no difficulty, they never
say it at the end of words. In this instance it is obvious that the
sound in the initial position would not be a problem for them and would
not be the place to start. Instead you would most likely begin work on
the final position of the word.
Once your child can say the sound in syllables you can move the sound into words.

Sound in Words
Sound in Words
At this point you have decided which position of the word you want to
target and will begin practicing word cards in the initial, medial or
final position of the word. I am satisfied with 80% accurate independent
productions before I move on to the next step, which is using the word
in a sentence. Meaning, I don’t count it as correct if the child says it
in imitation of me. If I have to model a word for a child I will often
put that word card back in the rotation for them to say again. After all
the cards have been said we go back and practice the word cards that
were in error.
There are so many ways to make practicing word cards fun. I sometimes
make a snake and put a little incentive such as an m&m or a fish
cracker every 3-5 cards. I have also fed the cards to puppets after they
have been said, hid them around the room and gone on a hunt to look for
them, as well as played memory, go fish and other fun card games. Be
creative this makes it more fun for both of you!

Sound in Sentences
Sound in Sentences
My favorite way to practice sounds in sentences is with a “rotating
sentence”. In a rotating sentence only the word card changes. For
example, your sentence might read, “Put ________ in pink purse.” Then
you rotate all your practice cards through the sentence. This is an
especially great way to practice sentences for young children who can’t
read yet. They are able to memorize the sentence, or use visual cues to
help them read it aloud. You are also able to maximize the production of
your target sound when you use a sentence with two or three target
words in it. You may find my sentences for the different sounds on the worksheets page.
With older children, I have them write their own sentences using
their target words. When a child has articulated 16/20 or 80% correct I
have them move to stories.

Sound in Stories
Sound in Stories
Practicing the sound in stories is not a step that is typically
recommended. In fact it is more common to move straight from sentences
to conversation. I have found that with the addition of this step I have
more success moving the sound into conversation.
For my younger children I like to prepare a story for them to
practice using the sound cards they have been practicing. You may use
the stories I have created on my worksheets page. I try to include as many picture clues as I can so young children can retell the story without being able to read.
I have asked older clients to write their own stories using the word
cards. They usually come up with very creative stories that are very
entertaining for both of us.
After the child has mastered reading the story aloud with 80%
accuracy I have them retell me the story without reading it. This is
just another small step toward getting an accurate production of the
target sound in conversation. Once they can do this I move them to

Sound in Conversation
Sound in Conversation
In the therapy setting this step can be a little more tricky. I like
to use a conversation jar. I have probably 200+ questions in my
conversation jar that get my clients talking and telling me all about
themselves. It also gives me a more controlled environment where I can
track their progress in conversation. You may also consider centering
conversation topics around some of the target words they have mastered.
However you decide to do it be sure to set a specified time to focus on
the correct production of the target sound during conversation. Be sure
to correct any inaccurate productions of the target sound at this time.

Once the sound has been mastered in words, sentences, stories and in
conversation you want to watch for generalization across all the
contexts of language. If the child you are working with seems to be
having difficulty generalizing the target sound go back and practice the
words, sentences and stories again until they are able to produce the
sound correctly in daily speech.
A quick review… First practice the sound in isolation, then in
syllables, words, sentences, stories, conversation and finally
generalizing the target sound in all contexts of language. When this
pattern is followed the child has a greater likelihood of success. The
only thing that changes in this process is how to elicit the different
sounds. This basic pattern of how to teach the sounds remains the same.
I hope this will give you a good starting point in working with the
“misarticulations” in your child’s speech. Remember to be patient, and
to make it fun!
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